Thursday, July 30, 2009

12 Weeks...

As of today, we have 12 weeks until my due date. That is right, I am officially in my third trimester. Justin and I are so excited to meet our little Em. We are truly grateful for the blessing God has given us!

Heading into the third trimester I am doing really well. Except for a few minor pains here or there, I can't complain. Em is an extremely strong little girl. Even the doctor is amazed how strong she is for her "age". She is very active during the day and sleeps during the night. Every night when Justin gets home she lets out some big kicks/movements at the sound of his voice. Justin is already in love with this little girl and she hasn't even shown her face yet. He even talks to my belly; too cute!

We are slowly getting everything put together. We had our first shower this past weekend in Houston (separate post to come this weekend). We got so many cute things! I have already started washing clothes and putting them up. Knowing me if I don't get organized before Em comes I never will be. I also still need to hang things on the walls. My goal is to get this completed over the next two weekends.

So, we have 12 weeks left. I still have a lot to do but, I want these 12 weeks to fly by. I am ready to meet Emeline Kay Dillard! The next 12 weeks will definitely be a test of my patience.

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