Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First Addition to the Nursery and a Little Doggie Time

As I mentioned in a previous post I was going to make the letters for Em's wall. Well, I am done. Here they are.

I think they turned out pretty good. Justin seemed to like them. Oh, and this is not the crib bedding. This is the bedding I have on the bed in that room now. It will be gone soon. We are getting new carpet this weekend and then setting up the nursery. We have all the furniture (crib and dress/changing table). So, Saturday morning we will start setting up the nursery. I am so excited. I can finally start organizing that room! I guess this is the nesting need that I have read about in all my baby books.

For those of you that really know us and our dogs; we have special dogs. Especially, Daisy. Her nickname is CRAZY DAISY! She just has this play growl/bark that just makes me laugh. One minute she is running around acting all crazy and the next minute she can be the sweetest dog in the world. Here is Daisy with her "what's up" pose; that is what Justin calls it.
To be fair, I also posted a picture of Rosie. Sporting her new do thanks to Aunt Renee. I try to always keep them shaved during the summer so they don't die in the heat. Being pregnant, I have not been doing this as diligently as I should. So, Renee thanks for the help!

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed! Love the letters...the paint job! You're good!
